Olly Fathers

Olly Fathers in studio

Tell us about the works Art Gazette has recently acquired from you:

These were created whilst in lockdown, using more home flat friendly materials. Parts of them are actually the reverse side of my wedding invites which sadly has had to be postponed.

Isolation Series (7), 2020

I’d set my self a goal to create a series of 25, using only certain shapes and colours to experiment with composition and balance.

What artist's work do you admire?

Bram Keast - In time grow.

I particularly like the use of different material and textures. The works are unusual and make you want to touch them which I think is always a good thing!

Bram Keast, In Time We Grow, 2020
Frank Stella in his studio (Source - New York Times)

Who would your dream artistic collaboration be with?

Frank Stella, his work has been such an inspiration for so long. I’d love to sit down with him, listening to his ideas and thought process and be able to create something based on those.

If you weren’t an artist, what would you be?

It would have to be something creative still. Probably a carpenter creating slightly more functional things or if we’re talking dream world?

A Footballer.

Offcuts 3, 2021
David Hockney, Portrait of an Artist
(Pool with Two Figures)
(Source - Wikipedia)

If you could be transported inside any art work, which would it be?

Any of David Hockney’s pool paintings! I certainly like to be relaxing in any of those environments.

Where would your dream studio be and what would it look like?

To be honest at the moment it would be the one I have, I love being in Brixton and its only a short walk from my flat. I’d just add the other studios either side, one being a permanent wood workshop and the other a fully ventilated spray room. Oh and maybe another opposite for storage.

View of Olly's current studio
Offcuts 4, 2021

What do you listen to while working?

I don’t actually listen to music that much, I can rinse a playlist to death too quickly!

I like listening to Talk radio and podcasts. It can vary from TalkSport, LBC, Science podcasts, a real mixture. I enjoy having the sound of people talking, I guess because it can be quite a solitary environment working in your studio.

Why do you choose to work with Art Gazette?

It’s a new kind of model for acquiring artworks directly from artists which is unique and really interesting.

It gives a new outlet for artists and encourage people to create series of studies and other experimental works on paper which otherwise they perhaps wouldn’t. These kind of actions always unlock ideas that otherwise might not develop.

Offcuts 5, 2021

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