Gabrielle Guy

Gabrielle Guy in studio
Gabrielle Guy in studio
Untitled, Berlin I, 2017

Describe your work:

Spontaneous, experimental, simple.

Untitled, Johannesburg, 2016
Works from Gabrielle's studio
Works from Gabrielle's studio

Describe the "Layouts" series:

While editing and working through my photographs from the past couple of years, I realised how many I have that won’t make it into either my A-series or brick-themed series (as yet untitled).

I felt that a lot of these images weren’t strong enough to sit on their own, but I didn’t want to throw them away entirely - so I’ve combined them into layouts with two images each, where they are hopefully stronger together. Being a book designer by trade, I of course enjoy placing multiple images onto a page, and considering the negative space and relationships between them. I hope to create more of these Layouts in the future.

GABRIELLE GUY_LR__Layout 1_2020_Plotter print on 80gsm Bond paper_A0+_Edition of 3.jpg
Layout 1, 2020
Layout 1, 2020
Lucienne Bestall, In the Round, David, 2019
Lucienne Bestall, In the Round, David, 2019

What's your favourite work within Art Gazette's inventory?

Really tough choice - but I think I’ll go for the "In the Round, David" by Lucienne Bestall. I have such a vivid memory of seeing David for the first and only time when I was 11 years old. It was mind-blowing.

I love Lucienne's work on Art Gazette - we obviously share an interest in art books and layouts, and the reproduction of images.

If you weren’t an artist, what would you be? 

A ballet dancer.

What do you listen to while working?


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Anish Kapoor, Black Hole (Source - BBC)
Anish Kapoor, Black Hole (Source - BBC)

If you could be transported inside any art work, which would it be?

An Anish Kapoor black hole.

What item in your studio could you not live without? 

Masking tape.

Norval Foundation

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